All About the Bicep - Stretch-n-Grow Monthly Blog

All About the Bicep

Whenever someone wants to show they are strong, especially kids, they often flex their arms to show off their bicep muscles. But the bicep muscle isn’t just there to show off how much a boy or girl has grown in the past year; it does a lot of really cool stuff! It helps lift, move, grip, rotate, push, and pull. At Stretch-n-Grow, we believe that teaching kids about the muscles in their bodies inspires them to use those muscles, empowers them to take care of them, and can be fun! Anatomy doesn’t have to be boring, and you don’t’ have to be in high school to learn about it.

Here are 3 facts about the bicep and fun activities to help kids learn them:

  1. There are two parts, or heads, to the bicep. In fact, that’s what the word bicep means – two heads. One is longer than the other. To reinforce this idea, have them stretch to their knees to be the short head, and to touch their toes to be the long head.
  2. Even though the bicep is one of the most powerful muscles in the arm, it is not the biggest. That honor goes to the tricep! Want to help kids remember that? Have them do a child-friendly version of a row using a toy, a baseball bat, or small pool noodles. While they do the row, have them repeat, “All the power’s in the back!”
  3. Eggs are a muscle-friendly food that can make your biceps stronger. When teaching kids about building strong biceps, make an omelet together to talk about why protein is an important part of a balanced diet. Put their favorite veggies in there for an additional nutrient boost.

While we may not all be able to make our muscles stronger by eating a can of spinach like Popeye, helping kids learn about what muscles they have and how to take care of them is part of growing up.

How do you like to teach your kids about their muscles?

Picture of by Bethany Verrett
by Bethany Verrett

Bethany is a freelance writer and editor. Click on her name to find out more!

Click here for some crafting ideas to get your kids away from their screens!

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