
4 Methods for Decompressing - Monthly Blog by Stretch-n-Grow

4 Methods for Decompressing

When babies are born, they are almost pure emotion and need. As they get older, they learn how to manage themselves internally and externally. Decompression is one of these regulation tools; it is a way someone regulates emotional, and sometimes even physical, pressure. For children, especially when they first start going to school for 8 hours a day, being able to decompress from school and reset for the rest of their day is very important, but it doesn’t come naturally.

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Leg's Go! Stretch-n-Grow Monthly Blog

Leg’s Go!

Putting one foot in front of the other is such a big accomplishment for little ones, as it is the beginning of their ability to explore their world. As they grow up, their legs get stronger, and they learn to run, to sprint, and to jump! The legs are the foundation of the body. Fun, dynamic exercise can be a great way for kids to build strong bodies, and to help kids learn to understand more about the way their bodies work. There are 13 primary muscles that help the legs go, that work together in groups.

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Stretch-n-Grow, #1 Child Enrichment Program

Know Your Bones

Kids grow every year, changing and moving so they can turn into the really cool adults they’re destined to be. Over the course of their childhood adventures, they get stronger, learn more, and develop personalities, which is easy to track on the outside. Inside, their bones are undergoing fascinating changes so they can transform. Keep reading to discover more about kids’ bones!

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