
Stretch-n-Grow Monthly Blog Imagination and Movement Let's Play

Imagination and Movement: Let’s Play!

Sometimes it can be difficult to get kids to get up and move their bodies, which is so critical for them to grow up healthy and strong. It can be frustrating when they won’t stretch, don’t want to go on a walk, and just sit at the playground rather than get goofy on the equipment. Stretch-n-Grow encourages movement through play!

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Stretch-n-Grow, #1 Child Enrichment Program

Know Your Bones

Kids grow every year, changing and moving so they can turn into the really cool adults they’re destined to be. Over the course of their childhood adventures, they get stronger, learn more, and develop personalities, which is easy to track on the outside. Inside, their bones are undergoing fascinating changes so they can transform. Keep reading to discover more about kids’ bones!

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apple a day

An Apple a Day

An Apple a Day An apple a day is a healthy choice! Apples are a nutritious, versatile food that can be used in a variety of snacks and meals. There are many varieties which means that whether they like sweet or tart, crispy or soft, there is an apple out there for every member of

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Facilitating Risky Play with Young Children – Himama

So what is risky play anyway? Usually found outdoors, risky play happens when children are allowed the time and space to explore and experience variables. These variables include height, speed and use of tools. Risky play also includes exploration of rough and tumble play, incorporation of elements such as water, and concepts like getting lost. The key to successful risky play is that all of these things are tested on the child’s own terms.

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create a mindful home

Creating a Mindful Home

There are many ways to create a mindful home and maintain a healthy household. Eating right, exercise, and getting plenty of sleep help bodies get stronger. Finding ways to make taking care of everyone’s mental health a priority is also a key component of this equation. When the adults in the house are calm and

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