Crafting Thankfulness

Crafting Thankfulness

We’re crafting thankfulness with fun art projects! There is no denying that 2020 has been a difficult year. Everyone has faced new obstacles and challenges, and the routine of life has been disrupted. Kids do not get to see their friends as often, go to school, and in some places

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Exploring Fitness Fun Around the World

Exploring Fitness Fun from Around the World

We’re exploring fitness fun from around the world! Getting to get out and stretch, run, jump, and play is one of the best parts of any kid’s day, and this fact is true all around the world. The time for exercise is an important part of growing up. Not only

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School Lumch Favorites

School Lunch Favorites at Home

Back to school looks a little different this year. Some students are back to school but socially-distanced while others are there half the week, and still others are doing online learning at home. No matter what the classroom looks like, parents, caregivers, and teachers are looking for ways to engage

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Back to School Learn

Engaged! Integrating Mind and Body

While August is still a vacation from school for many families, it does signal the beginning of the close of summer and the approach to the back to school season. Whether our little ones will be back in school, online for their education, or somewhere in the middle, it will

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Beat the Heat with Homemade Ice-Pop Treats!

If your family is looking for creative family activities, Stretch-n-Grow always advocates something outdoors, active, and energizing; but sometimes the weather doesn’t agree. In the summer it can get too hot to be outside. No one wants a sunburn! When the heat index gets too high, all we really want

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Talking to Your Kids about COVID-19 & Reopening

As some parts of the country start to discuss how to reopen, it is important to talk to our kids about what the virus is, why things are going to be a little different, and how they can play their part. Whether going to a religious services, the park, a

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Child Enrichment Program

Keeping It Creative in May

While we are all at home, bonding in innovative ways can seem like an uphill battle. It doesn’t have to be! Looking to different sources for activities is always a good way to shake things up. Sometimes looking at the fun and weird holidays that exist can be a source

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Benefits of Jumping and Skipping

Benefits of Jumping and Skipping

March has arrived and there is a new energy in the air. Seasons are about to shift, and the changing of the seasons puts a new spring in everyone’s step. This new hop, skip, and jump does not just brighten one’s mood, it is also lots of fun and has

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